Sales Enablement Landscape Survey 2023

SEC Reports

Last year, we launched SEC’s biggest report ever - the Sales Enablement Landscape Report 2022. Diving into every aspect of the function, we provided a comprehensive look at the sales enablement landscape. 

Now, in 2023, we’re back - and our biggest report is getting even bigger. But we need your help! 🫵

We’ll compile the sales enablement community’s responses into a bumper report, examining every aspect of the role, including:

  • The challenges faced by enablers and their sales teams
  • Enablement professionals’ predictions for the future
  • How your peers track metrics and measure their success
  • In what ways artificial intelligence is shaping the enablement landscape
  • Enablers’ preferred ways to upskill and network

And much, much more. 🤯

Why take the survey?

In just minutes, you can be a part of one of the leading studies in sales enablement. By completing this survey, you’ll enrich our findings and co-create a report geared around what the enablement community wants and needs to hear. 

Your responses will be used to inform your peers and make the enablement landscape a more open and transparent place.

We’ll even send a copy of the full report straight to your inbox, the moment it launches. 📥

What did we discover last year?

In 2022, we dug up some fascinating statistics on the enablement industry, including:

  • Nearly two-thirds (63.4%) of enablement professionals have a background in some sort of sales role.
  • Only 31.5% of enablement departments are responsible for the creation of content in their organization.
  • Nearly seven in ten (68.4%) enablement professionals feel like their team isn’t big enough.

Contribute to 2023’s survey and help us highlight even more of the most interesting and noteworthy aspects of this important function!