Sales Enablement Salary Survey 2021 - download the report!
Money may not be the only motivator for those working in sales, but it certainly is a big factor.
What other people - especially our colleagues and peers - are being paid is one of the things we’re most curious about. But it’s something we often feel uncomfortable about discussing.
So we decided to tear down that curtain of mystery with an anonymous sales enablement salary survey - and compiled the results into this report!
Here’s your chance to benchmark your salary against your peers.
It’s easy to find the average salary of a sales manager or sales rep…
... but enablement salaries have never been as easy to dig into. Until now.
Enablers across the globe, at all career levels, and across a range of industries, revealed not only how much they are currently paid, but also how their salaries have progressed throughout their careers, their bonus and commission structures - and how satisfied they are with what they earn.
We asked:
- What is your total annual salary range before taxes?
- Do you feel your salary is reflective of your role?
- Do you have C-suite support?
- How much influence do you have over your sales teams?
- What would be the one thing you would change about your compensation package?
- What department do you directly report into?
- What's the size of your sales team?
- … and even more burning questions.
Your answers were certainly eye-openers! (Take a sneak peak at the infographic)

Who took part in SEC’s Sales Enablement Salary Survey 2021?
We had respondents:
… from four different geographical continents;
… at all levels of seniority, from sales enablement managers, all the way up to directors and C-suite executives;
.... representing a range of industries, including SaaS, financial services, telecoms, marketing & advertising, and more.