Sales script template

Making that first call can be scary. Sales call role plays and coaching are invaluable, but how do you prep a rep for successful, real-life outbound calls?

You don't want your reps to become automatons who reel off a script every time they speak to a potential customer - but providing guidelines is essential as a prompt to guide the direction of the call.

If the option’s there, providing your sales team with a sales script is a great opportunity to a) take learnings from top performers and roll them out across the rest, and b) regain a level of control over how your reps are positioning your product.

Helping out enablers is what we do, so have this template on us! It covers everything from making an impactful introduction, to building a rapport, handling objections - and getting that all-important booking.

Like this? A whole bunch more customizable templates & frameworks are available when you sign-up up for a membership plan (along with a whole library of OnDemand presentations from enablement experts, exclusive content, access to all of our virtual events...).

What are you waiting for? You know what to do 👇