Jessica Stetson, Director of Sales Enablement at, is a familiar face to those in the SEC Slack community.

Since joining the group, Jessica has become a regular, always willing to offer help and advice for others, in addition to asking questions and promoting discussion herself.

We sat down with her to discuss her experience as an SEC Slack community member, including:

  • How she found the community
  • The value she’s gained from it
  • What she’d say to someone considering joining the Slack community

Take a look. 👇

How did Jessica discover the Slack community?

“I found the Slack community because I was looking for sales enablement resources.

"I was relatively new at a company called Puppet and wanted to make sure that I had a place to go where I could ask questions - where I didn't feel stupid, essentially. And that's how I found Sales Enablement Collective.”

Why does Jessica continue to be a part of the Slack community?

“For me, it started off being a place where I could go and ask questions - again, without fear of them being considered silly questions.

“But the longer that I've been in there, the more that I've been able to actually contribute back to the community, which I think as a sales enablement professional is something that you always aspire to.

“We want to contribute back, that's why we do sales enablement.

“The Sales Enablement Collective Slack community has allowed me to continue to ask questions if I need them, or do research on a CMS that might work really well for me, for example.

“But it also allows me to connect with my peers in a way that allows me to help them as well, which is really fulfilling.”

What would Jessica say to someone on the fence about joining?

“I’d say it's obviously what you make of it - but if you are a person who seeks connection, seeks new ideas, and has that curiosity that I think most of us have as sales enablement professionals, the Slack community’s a place where you can explore that and also learn a lot that you probably didn't expect to learn.”

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